Български English
The 4rd Project meeting of the project “RENOVATION” was held in the City Council of the Municipality of Lagadas, Project
Beneficiary 2 on 6th of December, 2021.
All Project partners attended the in-person meeting, during which they discussed the project progress together with the Project
officer, representative of the Joint Secretariat of the Programme- Mrs. Jenya Dinkova.
The Project meeting is the fourth meeting held within the partnership and is the second one in-person meeting, having two online meetings
due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
The meeting was also attended by the Mayor of the Municipality of Lagadas, who greeted the guests and wished the partnership to turn in
sustainable relationship between the two municiaplities - Hadzhidimovo and Lagadas.
The day before the meeting, the partners also attended the Thessaloniki Opera production „Don Giovanni” produced by the third partner of
the project – Thessaloniki Concert Hall, which was presented at several consecutive events in the largest opera hall of the organization.
The project “RENOVATION”is funded by the ERDF fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A Greece -
Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme
The content is sole responsibility of the Community center Yane Sandanski-1928 and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union, the participating countries, the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat